Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Lakers Win Again

The L.A. Lakers add another game to the win column tonight by beating the Oklahoma City "Thunder". The Lakers shot 52.6% and as always Kobe was the leading scorer with 36 pts and Gasol behind him with 14. The Lakers are now 47-10 and are on a 5 game winning streak.

Song of the Day

Nora Jones- Painter Song

Painter Song - Norah Jones


Clothing line 3sixteen has branched out into the world of footwear with "Quoddy", with these boat shoe/ boot combination. What do you think?

Cash Register of the Future

Check out this design for the cash registers of tomorrow.

Colette Does it Again

French clothing store colette, is always doing something new and incredible. This camera was created out of respect of international women's day. The camera comes from their collection called the "Diana F+ colette collection"


If your ever in Angel, London check out "OQO" a chinese restaurant and bar. They are famous for taking traditional dishes and making them contemporary... Yet what caught my eye is the design of the restaurant itself.

Obama Address Tonight

"President Obama's address tonight to a joint session of Congress will have a heavy emphasis on the economy and will try to strike an optimistic tone, aides say. Obama's speech comes as a new poll indicates that nearly three out of four Americans are scared about the way things are going in the country."

Monday, February 23, 2009

Scratchender Calender

This is like a big lotto card

via Yanko Design

Band of Outsiders Fall 2009

They have some awesome clothes

Lily Allen

Through all the controversy, she continues to make good music.

Fuck You - Lily Allen

Looks of 09

Polo by Ralph Lauren (they also come in red and orange..)

Valentino one-button, peak-lapel cocktail jacket for special outings and formal diners

Jeff Linen poncho perfect for the beach

Awesome... if it Works.. I hate blocked numbers

Congratulations Sean Penn

Sean Penn took home another Oscar last night for his role in "Milk" Congrats Sean

Home in Southern Idaho

This home is incredible.. and it took near a decade to complete. It was designed by Tom Kundig for Jan McFarland Cox.

Jason Mraz

Heres a pretty hidden track by Jason Mraz. I love this song

Gypsy MC - Jason Mraz

John Cleese on Twittering

We all know that tiwtter is becoming the new myspace/ facebook ect... but heres what John Cleese thinks... ( I loved him in The Out of Towners )

Au Revoir Simone

The Band is Au Revoir Simone,  This song I pure genious...

And Sleep Al Mar - Au Revoir Simone

Fifty People One Question

This is one of the most incredible things i've seen. Shows how different each persons perception of the world is, and how each
person is in a different point in their lives. 

Fifty People One Question

Wes Anderson Photos

Here are some photos of Wes Anderson taken by Serge Leblon (Check out the Louis Vuitton Bags ; ) )

Welcome to the end of the beginning

Hello everyone, and welcome to "Memoirs of a Rainy Tuesday" Here I will write about things that interest me, share music that interest me, art, and only if I feel it is necessary gossip. EVERY THING ON THIS BLOG WILL CONTINUE TO BE VIEWED BY MYSELF BEFORE BEING POSTED. Comment if there is something you like, or something you hate. Thats all and I hope you all continue to visit and make this Blog one of your daily internet stops : )